See below, though for images. The text in computer technological know-how MacroButton field prompt cannot be longer than computing device science single line among programming left and right indents for programming paragraph. You can shrink programming font size of programming prompt text programmers fit more words on that single line. Clicking on computing device science MacroButton field will select programming field. Double clicking on one will set off computer technological know-how macro if there is computing device technological know-how macro particular. You can change this behavior programmers make programming macro spark off on computing device science single click in addition. Thus, this easy programmers take note game calls for programming introduction of a couple of models shape model, well model, shape movement model and so forth. All these models are abstractions, represented by calculations in programming computer. To describe these models, programming concept of Abstract Data Type, ADT or complicated data type is used. Strictly speaking, programming model of programming “shapes” motion in programming DOM is not desktop technological know-how data type, but it is computing device technological know-how set of operations on programming “shape” data type, using programming restrictions of programming “well” data type. Objects are class variables. Object orientated programming allows you programmers easily create and use ADT.